a Free Ad
  • Welcome on IL4RU!

    Dear user, we tried to make this website convenient and easy to use but still visitors have some questions sometimes. We will post the answers for the most common questions on this page.

    If you are having any difficulty, please contact our technical support and we will try to hel.

    Our service offers you:

    Hundreds of ads, thousands of visitors from all over the country every day!
    • Our ads without repetition, illegal and questionable offers in a strictly organized catalog - we appreciate your time!
    • Posting an ad is simple and quick. You do not even need to register or log in – just post an ad!
    • Moderator's assistance. We will help you to make your ad successful!
    "My ads" page will let you manage your ads.
    Your email under defence since it is not displayed. You can be contacted only via online form.
    Big map and many pictures will help you find what you are looking for.
    • Mark your favourite ads and work with them in your own listing!
    Your personal notes on ads - just really handy!

  • Posting ads

    • Your email is under defence

      While posting your ad, for the security reasons, we ask that you never leave your email address anywhere, except for the designated field.

      Anyone, who wanted to contact you, will be able to send you an email message using the online form provided on the website. The email message sent will contain an email address of a sender.

      A misplaced email address may be the reason for a ban of your ad.

    • What to do if an ad was banned for content duplication

      It is important that each ad on the site is unique. Ad duplication complicate the search, make site users spend more time searching for the right offers among similar ads. Duplicates reduce trust in our service and give an unfair advantage to individual users.

      Your prohibited ad is similar in content to an ad previously posted by you or another user from your or any other account.
      Note! When searching for duplicated ads, both unpublished and published ads of all users are checked.

      To get your ad published:
      • Check in your personal account, you may have already posted an ad similar in content.
      • If a similar ad was previously withdrawn by you – restore this ad and it will immediately be published. At the same time, if more than 7 days have passed since posting the ad, the date of the ad will be updated to the current date automatically.
      • If a similar ad was published more than 7 days ago – renew this ad.
      • You can edit a duplicated ad, if needed.

      Please note! If there are no ads similar in content to the one you want to publish in your personal account, then you may use several accounts or another user has already posted a similar ad.
      The rules do not prohibit the use of multiple user accounts, but this creates inconvenience for you and the site administration. We recommend using one account.

      Often, users use different accounts on different devices. See what accounts you use on your phone, computer, other browser, at home and at work. Accounts are distinguished by the email address (login) to which they are registered. You can view your login in your profile or "My ads" page.

      Check all your accounts and follow the required steps:
      Delete all unnecessary ads, if possible.
      Renew or restore the ads you need. When renewed, they will move to the top of the ads category.
      • Deactivate unused accounts on the profile page of the account you don't need.

      If you are sure that there are no duplicated ads or you need help with organizing accounts and ads, contact the site administration.

    • An ad is irrelevant to the content of the website. How to fix it

      Ads should be interesting and useful to visitors. Irrelevant ads (SPAM) force visitors to spend a lot of time searching for the right offers and reduce the trust in our service.

      If we are wrong and you think that the ad will be interesting to site visitors, help us – edit it, in accordance with "Posting Rules".
      Specify in the ad:
      • in which region of the country of the site you live or the physical address of the company;
      • phone number in the country of the site where you or the company can be contacted;
      • how the work is carried out on the territory of the country of the site;
      • the right to work in the country of the site, if you are not a resident of this country (passport, visa with the work permit);
      • how payment and delivery to the territory of the site's country takes place.

      If the ad cannot meet these requirements, use our paid services.

      If you have any questions, please contact site administration.

    • What to do if the limit of free ads is exceeded

      The limit is the number of ads published for free at the moment in any category. Each category can have a separate limit, i.e. the limit is determined by ads published in each rubric separately.
      Ad moderation is a complex painstaking work. In order to provide a quality service, we are forced to limit moderation, maintenance and user support for free, so the site has a limit for publishing free ads in heading groups.

      • In order for your ad to be published for free, remove or delete irrelevant ads on "My ads" page.
      • You can also use our paid services to publish ads exceeding the limit.

      Please note! When calculating the number of free ads, the total number of published ads on all user or corporate accounts is taken into account.

      If the limit of free ads in your personal account is not exceeded, then you, your relative, colleague or friend may have already posted ads to this category group from other accounts, which we consider to be related user or company accounts.
      Also, users often use different accounts on different devices. See what accounts you use on your phone, computer, other browser, at home and at work. Accounts are distinguished by the email address (login) to which they are registered. You can view your login in your profile or "My ads" page.

      In this case, check all the accounts associated with you and take the necessary actions:
      Delete or withdraw all unnecessary ads, if possible.
      • Deactivate unused accounts on the profile page of the account you don't need.

      If you are sure that the limit of free ads has not been exceeded on all your accounts, please contact the site administration.

    • How to restore ads, if free replies are exhausted

      Free feedback available every 7 days.
      After the free replies are exhausted, is only 0.2 PROMO credits are debited for each display of ads' contact information.
      If there are not enough PROMO credits, then all user's ads in the category group are withdrawn from publication.
      You can restore the publication of ads by yourself and for free on "My ads" page when it is possible.

      Restore your ads now by buying PROMO credits to pay for replies.

      Please note!
      • In ads with active paid services, contacts are displayed without limits and additional payment, which means that you receive replies from all interested visitors!
      • We do not count repeated views of ad contact information by one visitor, as well as contact views by ad authors.
      • Do not duplicate withdrawn ads – restore their publication! Duplicate ads and accounts may result in complete ban on all of our resources.

      More details:
      Ad replies statistics
      Displaing ad's contact details
      Posting Rules

      If you have any questions, please contact administration.

    • How to get a response if you can not leave contacts in the text?

      In order to protect contacts from spam, we hide them from bots that collect personal data and therefore we ask you not to leave contacts anywhere, except for the fields provided for this.

      In order for your ad to be published, edit it on "My ads" page:
      • Email, WhatsApp, Viber, phone numbers can only be left in the "Contacts for communication" fields.
      • Remove contacts from all fields of the ad, except for the fields "Contacts for communication".
      • If the phone number of the country is not supported in the "Contacts for communication" field, leave it, as well as all other contact information (Skype, Telegram and others), in the "Additional contacts" field.

      Please note that ads are moderated manually and all contacts left in the wrong fields will be identified and deleted.

      If you are sure that the contacts are listed in the appropriate field, contact the site administration.

    • What counts as a visual highlighting. How to fix it

      Free ads should not be visually distinguished from each other, our PROMO servicesare provided for this.

      To publish your ad for free, go to "My ads" page and remove the visual highlighting:
      • Words in CAPITAL letters that are not known abbreviations.
      • Capitalization "Every Word In A Sentence".
      • Excessive punctuation. For example: Excessive use of exclamation marks and other marks.
      • Emphasizing words with emoticons or any symbols that do not express the meaning of the sentence: "*", "///", "[]", "---" and so on.

      If you want to highlight an ad among others, use PROMO services.

      If you are sure that there is no visual highlighting and this is an erroneous ban, contact the site administration.

    • We do not understand the meaning of your offer – help us figure it out

      Site visitors are looking for a specific product, service, vacancy, property by keywords and therefore it is important to clearly specify in the ad what exactly is offered or what you need.

      Please note that ads are published only in languages supported by the site.

      Try to express your proposal in the first three short sentences. Write in detail what you offer, price and other important information.

      Only ads that clearly express the meaning and purpose are published . This way visitors can quickly and easily get all the information they need to contact you.

      In order for the ad to be published, edit it in accordance with our rules.

      Note. MLM (Network Marketing) ads must comply with the following rules:
      • The description must be clear and not misleading.
      • Network Business Name (MLM) is required.
      • Types of products, trademark and/or link to catalog of products proposed for distribution.
      • The amount of the initial purchase of goods for the distributor.
      • Job Title: Product Distributor, Sales Agent, Sales Representative, Distributor, Network Agent but not Business Partner.
      • It is forbidden to specify the amount of possible or expected income. You can write "piecework", "commission from the sales" or "income from sales".

      If you think that the ad clearly conveys the meaning of the offer and does not violate the rules, please contact the site administration.

    • Ad in the wrong category. It's easy to fix!

      Site visitors are looking for a specific product, service, job or property in the appropriate category and therefore it is important to specify the correct category when posting an ad.

      Check on "My ads" page that the content of your ad matches the category in which you are posting an ad.
      If the ad contains several offers for different categories, split the ad into several separate ads for each category.

      If you are sure that the ad corresponds to the category, please contact site administration.

    • There are doubts about the authenticity of the offer – help us to understand

      The information in the ad must not mislead site visitors.

      Please make sure that all information in the ad is correct, truthful and does not hide any significant aspects of the offer.

      Edit the ad on "My ads" page, providing full truthful information about your offer.

      Please note that requests for financial help are published only from accredited charities.

      If you do not agree with the moderator's decision, please contact the site administration.

    • The ad lacks information about the legality of your offer

      We only accept ads that comply with the laws of the site's country.

      According to the laws, it is prohibited to advertise certain types of goods (activities) without specifying licenses, certificates and other documents.

      For example:
      • Financial, insurance and investment organizations must be licensed.
      • Advertising of dietary supplements must not give the impression that they are medicines and (or) have medicinal properties.
      • Many drugs may only be sold with a license.

      We ask for additional documentation to make sure that your offer does not violate the law.

      Edit the ad on "My ads" page, making sure that all the conditions are met:
      • Information required by law is present.
      • No third party copyrighted information posted.
      • The offered goods are not contraband.

      If you think that your activity is legal in the territory of the site's country and supported by relevant documents, please send them to us.

    • The ad contains an unethical offer. What it means

      Information in ads must not contain unethical, offensive, extremist, racist, other discriminatory information or call for the violation of someone's rights, freedoms, violence, or be politically motivated or biased.

      Check the posted ad for fulfillment of all the above conditions on "My ads" page.

      If you do not agree with the moderator's decision, please contact the site administration.

    • Malicious ad. Why?

      In our opinion, your ad contains advertising of resources (sites, groups, other resources) that are undesirable or uninteresting for our users.

      We are willing to cooperate with other resources and are ready to offer options for cooperation. Please contact site administration.

    • Why publishing an ad is possible only with paid services

      We are forced to limit free publication of your ads due to repeated or malicious violation of the Posting Rules, creating an excessive burden on moderation:
      • ignoring the limits for posting free ads in categories;
      • posting of large number of free ads or similar ads from one or more accounts;
      • repeated posting of ads to the wrong categories;
      • targeted visual highlighting of free ads;
      • other reasons.

      Publication of your ads is possible only with active paid services.

      Please note! The decision may be reviewed in a few months and we will again publish your ads for free, subject to strict adherence to the Posting Rules and using our service during this period.

      If you do not agree with the moderator's decision, please contact the site administration.

    • Why necessary is to make a monthly payment to publish an ad?

      According to the Posting Rules, the administration has the right to refuse to publish your ads for free for various reasons:
      • large volume of ads or maintenance and support work;
      • provision of any additional services;
      • little interest in the posted ad;
      • provision of services or sale of goods outside the country of the site;
      • other reasons.

      To publish Your ads you need to make a minimum monthly payment.

      Purchased PROMO credits can be used to promote your ads.

      If you have any questions, please contact site administration.

    • Additional authorization is required. We want to understand who you are

      For further publication of your ads, account verification is required using the minimal payment. This is necessary so that in the event of a dispute, we have information about the actual author of the ads.

      This procedure is carried out selectively to protect against unwanted or fraudulent ads.

      Purchased PROMO credits can be used to promote your ads. In case of noncompliance, we will refund this payment.

      If you have any questions, please contact site administration.

  • Viewing and actions with ads on the site

    • Select locations wisely!

      In order to quickly find what you are looking for, you need to correctly select the location for displaying ads on the site.

      If the location you selected contains other locations, then ads from contained locations will also be displayed to you.

      Choose a location where you can actually rent an apartment, work or use a service.

      • If you are looking for housing, select the location where you want to live. It may also be worth looking at housing in the surrounding locations.
      • If you need a job, think about where it will be convenient for you to get to every day. If you are looking for an online job and distance does not matter, then you can choose the whole country.
      • When looking for a service, think about how far you are willing to travel for it. If the service must be provided on your territory, evaluate where the master can come to you from. If you are looking for an online service, then you don't need to choose anything. Ads from all areas will be shown.

    • Using searching ads service on the site

      You can searching_ads for ads in certain categories and in the geo areas using keywords.

      When you searching_ads in a geographical area, which includes smaller areas, for example searching_adsing in the whole country, the results will contain all ads in the areas included in the requested area.

    • Mark the ads!

      When working with a large number of ads, it can be difficult to figure out which ad has already been viewed and which has not. In order to make this task easier, we have organized a list of "Marked Ads" for you. This list includes ads that you have marked by clicking on the star in the ad listing or on the ad's view page.

      To view marked ads, click on the star at the top of the page.

      If the ad has already been marked by you, it will be highlighted with a star everywhere. This means that it is in the "Marked Ads" list. To remove the mark, press the star again.

      Please note! For each user a separate list of "Marked Ads" is maintained. You can also mark ads without logging in to the site, as this functionality uses cookies.

      It is convenient to use the "Marked Ads" list together with notes for ads.

    • Write notes!

      To make your experience with ads even easier, we have added notes to the ad's view page. Leave notes and you will not forget an answered to you or what you agreed on with the author of the ad! To do this, write in a note something that will help you remember this ad, for example: "They asked me to call you back in the evening", "wage 20 per hour, at least two hours of work", "Sent CV", "Promised a 20% discount", and so on.

      To make or change a note about an ad, write the text of the note and click on the "Save note" button.

      To delete a note, delete the note text and click the "Save note" button.

      Please note! It is convenient to use notes in conjunction with the "Marked ads" list. For example, you need to find a car to transport things. First, you mark all the ads that interest you and go to "Marked ads". When contacting carriers, you write down their conditions and prices, and in the future you can easily choose the one most suitable for you.

      The note is saved on your computer using cookies and is visible only to you.

    • Imported ads

      What does an imported ad mean
      To get acquainted with the service IL4RU, we place ads from other resources. We want to help the authors of the ads get more reples to their offers and introduce them to our service.
      It also allows our visitors to view more offers in one place – IL4RU!

      How we do it
      A complex algorithm using artificial intelligence finds ads on other resources that may interest our visitors and offers them for publication. Our moderators review all the proposed ads and publish suitable ads on the site and all our resources.

      You are the author of the ad
      We imported your ad to get you acquainted with the service IL4RU. There is no guarantee that your other ads will be imported – we recommend posting ads yourself.

      After you receive limited number of replies, we will stop importing your ads for a long period.

      If you still need replies, we recommend confirming your ad for free or posting it yourself.

      To confirm your ad, register on IL4RU and enter the promo code on your "My ads" page. You can get the promo code by clicking on the link in the reply to your ad.

      If you do not have a promo code or you want to delete your ad and stop using our service – write to us.

  • Managing ads

    You can manage ads on My ads page, as well as using links in messages sent to you.

    If you cannot find the ad on My ads page, remove the filters by selecting "All categories" and "All statuses". It is also possible that you use multiple accounts and the ad you are looking for is posted on your different account.

    The possible actions with ads by their authors are described below.

    • Setting paid services

      Paid services can only be set for ads that are being reviewed or published.
      The number of available PROMO credits is displayed on "My ads" page at the top.

      To set paid services:
      • Select the ad you want to promote on "My ads" page.
      • Below it, click "Promote this ad".
      • In the window that opens, select the service you are interested in and enter the number of days it will work. Below you will see a calculation of the number of required PROMO credits, taking into account possible discounts.
      • Click "Start". If there are not enough PROMO credits to set the service, you will be asked to buy the needed PROMO credits on the payment page.

      Please note! Some services are incompatible with each other. For example, you cannot set other services on an ad with the UNLIMIT service – they will be inactive. If you need to change a service, first cancel the runnu=ing one.

      More details:
      Promotion of free ads – paid services
      Payment for services, transactions, invoices

      The price of PROMO credits depends on the quantity purchased – the more you buy, the cheaper they cost.
      Purchased PROMO credits can be spent in parts or all at once, at any time convenient for you.

    • Cancellation of paid services

      You can cancel any set paid service at any time, if you no longer need the paid service of the ad or you want to set another service that is incompatible with the one already set, for example: PROMO PREMIUM and UNLIMITED.

      Unused PROMO credits will be returned to your account with us minus the cost of the service for the current day.

      To cancel a paid service:
      • Select the desired ad on "My ads" page.
      • Click "Promote this ad" under it.
      • In the panel that opens, select the service you are interested to cancel and click "Cancel".

      Paid services also cancelled when you withdraw or delete the ad.

    • Renew ad

      When a new ad is published, it has the date of its publication. You can renew your ad for free after 7 or more days when the "Renew ad" button becomes active.
      You can also update all ads with the "Renew all possible ads" button. This will only update ads with dates older than 7 days.
      If the "Renew ad" button is disabled, the date and time that this action becomes available will be displayed below it.

      If you want to increase the reply from the ad, use PROMO services. Ads with PROMO services are displayed at the top of the ads' listing and are updated automatically every 7 days.

      The ad also renews when other actions are performed: restoring, editing, promoting ads.

      An ad may be renewed automatically, if a similar ad, posted by the same or another user, is banned.

    • Editing ad

      You can edit ads on My ads page at any time.
      After editing an ad, it ad goes to moderation and is not displayed on the site but only in your personal account.
      At the time of moderation you can set paid services (button "Promote this ad"). Please note that the services will start working only after the ad is published.
      If you edit ads 7 or more days after publication or last renew, the date of the ad will be renewed automatically.

      • Select ad's locations

        Although you can select any number of locations for free, for the ad to be effective, you should select only the relevant locations of your offer, otherwise you will waste free or paid replies to no avail.

        Please note that visitors will see your ad, if they select any location that includes at least one location selected in your ad:
        • if there are too few locations selected, then your ad will be seen by few visitors, and you will receive fewer replies than possible;
        • if too many locations are selected, then you will be contacted by those who are too far away and will not be able to use of your offer, and therefore you will spend free or paid replies to no avail!

        The choice of ad's locations depends on your offer. Try to put yourself on the place of a visitor who will be interested in your offer. Which location will he/she choose to view ads on the site? Try to find a middle ground by selecting only locations that are relevant to your offer, without selecting unnecessary locations.

        • When renting or selling an apartment, select the location of the apartment. You may want to include surrounding locations to ensure your ad is visible to visitors looking for accommodation near your property. However, some of the free and paid replies will be wasted by you, since visitors will refuse your offer after learning about the exact location.
        • When applying for a vacancy, evaluate where people will be able to come to work for you. It will be inconvenient for an employee from another city to commute to and from work every day. If your vacancy requires relocation, select likely areas where people would be willing to move for a higher salary than where they live.
        • You provide services at home or in a workshop – select the location of the workshop and nearby locations from where you think clients can contact you. If you travel to clients, select the locations in which you provide services.

        You can select locatons of the ad by editing it on "My ads" page.

    • Withdrawal and restoration of ads

      If the ad is no longer relevant, you can withdraw it from publication at any time. Moreover, if the ad had paid services, unused PROMO credits will be returned to your account with us minus the cost of the service for the current day.

      After being withdrawn from publication, the ad will not be displayed on the site and will not receive any replies, but you can manage it on "My ads" page. When the ad is needed again, you can restore its publication without moderation by clicking the "Restore" button on your "My ads" page.
      • If it is impossible to restore the publication of an ad, the system will notify you about this and offer options for restoring the publication.
      • If more than 7 days have passed since the ad was posted, the ad date will be updated automatically.
      • A withdrawn ad is automatically deleted after 90 days from the date the ad was withdrawn. We recommend periodically renewing the ad date to prevent this from happening.
      • You can permanently delete withdrawn unnecessary ads yourself on "My ads" page.

      Please note! If you withdraw an ad and submit a new one, similar in meaning, it will be banned as duplicated. We recommend restoring withdrawn ads rather than posting new ones or editing old ones. After editing, ads go to moderation, which takes an average of 60 minutes. Do not duplicate or edit ads unnecessarily – renew and restore them!

    • Deleting ads

      If and ad is no longer relevant and no longer needed, you can delete it. Moreover, if the ad had paid services, unused PROMO credits will be returned to your account with us minus the cost of the service for the current day.

      Deletion is available only in 7 days from the date of publication or renewal of the ad. If the "Delete ad" button is inactive, then the date and time when this action will become available are displayed below it. This is done so that users do not delete ads that have gone down the listing and do not post similar ads again, as this creates a large load on moderation.

    • Ad preview

      After posting a new ad or editing an old one, it will be visible only to you in preview mode. Usually an ad is being reviewed no more than 60 minutes.
      At this time, you can only edit the ad and set paid services (button "Promote this ad"). Please note that any services will start working only after the publication of the ad!

    • Ad reply statistics

      You can find out how many times site visitors wanted to contact you and opened the ad contact details on "My ads" page.

      We count views of contact information as replies to your ads. Of course, this is not the exact number of replies that you received since the visitor may not have contacted you for various reasons – a missed call, a spam message and so on. Nevertheless, such statistics well reflect the effectiveness and attractiveness of your ads!

      Please note! We do not count repeated views of ad contact information by one visitor, as well as contact views by ad authors.

      An important difference when comparing our statistics with other resources. Usually the so-called reach is taken into account – the number of impressions of ads or posts. It is clear that such statistics do not reflect interest in your offer. In fact, with this approach, it is completely unclear whether your post was noticed by the visitor or totally missed, whether it was read and whether anyone was interested in it at all. We take into account the number of views of ad contact information (email, phone, messenger) by visitors, which much more accurately reflects interest in offers and the effectiveness of your ads!

      Please note that an ad receives more replies immediately after the ad is published or renewed while it is at the top of the list and more visible. Over time, it moves down the list of ads and the number of replies decreases.

      To increase your replies, we recommend that you:
      • try to make your offer more profitable than competitors';
      • state the essence of your offer more clearly – in the first lines concisely describe the essence of the offer, fill in all optional fields of the ad;
      • add images, this will attract the attention of visitors;
      • regularly renew your ads;
      • use our PROMO services – this will promote your ad, make it much more effective and attract more people to it.

  • Account Management

    All account management work is going on the "User profile" page.

    • How to unsubscribe from optional emails

      You can unsubscribe from newsletters on your "User profile"page. Uncheck the newsletters you want to unsubscribe from. After this, enter your current password to confirm the action. Please note that each newsletter email contains a one-click unsubscribe link at the bottom.

      You cannot unsubscribe from system messages. If you do not want to receive system messages and use our service, you can deactivate your account.

      We kindly ask you not to mark emails you receive from us as spam! We may refuse you to use our service because of it.

    • Account deactivation

      If you do not want to use our system, you can deactivate (delete) your account.
      Your account will be deleted permanently along with all personal data in our system.
      You will not be able to restore your account, all PROMO credits will be lost.

      Attention! In order to prevent duplication of accounts and abuse of the service, your ads will be postponed for 7 days and then moved to the archive.

      Publicly available information you have previously published may be stored by third parties (search engines, directories, etc.) and found on the Internet.

      You can delete your account on "User profile" page by clicking "Account deactivation" at the bottom.

      After this, enter your current password to confirm the action and click "Confirm deactivation" – Your account is permanently deleted.

  • Safety rules

    Be carefull! Do not become a victim of scammers! Help us in the fight against scammers – we can only win together!

    All ads on our site are moderated but unfortunately we are not always able to immediately identify fraudulent ads.

    Every month, we block about 200 accounts that are found to be engaging in illegal or fraudulent activity. Another 300 accounts are being scrutinized over the same period.

    You can help us! We ask that you Complain to us about any suspicious ads on our or other sites.

    • Do not be silent - contact us!

      We deal with your complaints without delay – we care about safety!

      The more information you provide to us, the faster we can take action.

      We can not only remove the fraudulent ad and prevent scammers from using our site but also inform users who have already contacted the scammers and may become their victims. We also work with the police and provide scammers data for investigations.

      We ask that you Complain to us about any suspicious ads on our or other sites.

      If you became a victim or know about a case of fraud that happened to someone else, we kindly ask you to inform us about the incident. Please provide us with any useful information: contact details, a link to the source of information, correspondence, photos, screenshots, conversation records and any other information that will help identify a scammer.

    • How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers

      When contacting the authors of advertisements, be vigilant, remember that you are dealing with people you do not know, so you should not thoughtlessly trust them with money or your personal data.

      Remember these simple rules:

      • Carefully consider an offer that is too lucrative

        The goal of scammers is to get maximum response from the ad, since not many people easily deceived.

        To make visitors lose their vigilance and have no time to think, scammers try to incite the victim into excitement, anticipation of easy money and fear of missing out on a profitable offer.

        Be wary of overly tempting offers. Price is too low or salary is too high - that is a reason to be wary!

      • Do not give advance payment to strangers

        If you are asked to pay in advance for housing, services or goods, there is a high probability that you are being deceived. Pay only if you know exactly who you are paying and for what.

        Advance payments can take various forms:
        • deposit for booking accommodation, goods or services;
        • security for the priority right to receive housing, goods, services;
        • prepayment beforehand sending goods, providing services or accommodation;
        • insurance before employment or for shipping goods;
        • prepayment for paperwork;
        • investments in joint business.

      • Do not pay strangers using anonymous payment systems

        Never transfer money to strangers using:
        • MoneyGram, Unistream, Western Union, TransferGo, Opal Transfer and other similar systems in which the real recipient of the money remains unknown.
        • Cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin, Ethereum and so on.
        • Avoid paying in cash and always ask for a cash receipt.

        Remember! When transferring money to strangers through anonymous payment systems, it is impossible to identify the real recipient of the payment and, of course, return the money.

        It is safer to pay to a bank account or bank card using authorized money systems (PayPal, Wise, PaySend, Revolut and others).

      • Do not provide your bank card details to anyone.

        Fraudsters, under various pretexts, ask you to send a photo of your bank card from both sides or full payment card details, after which they steal money.

        Remember, in order to steal money from a card, you just need to know its number and the owner’s name!

      • Do not provide photographs of documents to strangers

        Fraudsters, under various pretexts, ask you to send a photo of your passport or other documents. Your documents will be used to take out loans in your name. It is also possible that scammers will impersonate you when deceiving their victims.

      • Do not tell anyone your logins and passwords

        Having gained access to your online banking, Google, Facebook, Ebay, Amazon and any other sites accounts, scammers immediately use them for their dishonest purposes.

      • Check strangers' messenger contacts

        Fraudsters from other countries use disposable virtual numbers without purchasing a real SIM card. Using such numbers, fraudsters confirm messengers and then use them to scam. For example, they pretend to live in the country where they post ads but now are temporarily out of it.

        Be careful! The best way to check a messenger contact is to call this number on the phone. Temporary virtual numbers only allow you to receive SMS messages but not voice calls.

        You should be more careful, if the author of the ad insists on communicating via WhatsApp, Telegram or another messenger.

        If you have any suspicions, we recommend calling the messenger contact number by phone.
        If the number is constantly unavailable or does not work, it is possible that this is an unscrupulous person.
        Please inform us about such numbers to protect the community from scammers.

    • What to do if someone has become a victim of a scammer

      If you are being extorted money, you have already become a victime or you know of a case of fraud that happened to someone else, you should immediately file a police report:
      • addresses and telephone numbers of offices in Israeli cities;
      • using the online form

      If you do not know the language, any police station will provide you with an interpreter free of charge, even if you are not an Israeli citizen

      If the scammers are found, you will be compensated for the damage.

      Do not be silent – write to us!

    • Tricks of scammers – employment

      When looking for a job, there is a risk of encountering scammers. Typically, scammers require payment for something before providing work or offer to engage in illegal activities.

      They are often offered a job with a free long-term internship or probationary period, based on the results of which the victim is denied employment without payment under a false pretext.

      If you are interested in a vacancy, we recommend that you first search the Internet for reviews about the employer. You should be wary of both negative reviews and too many positive ones – they may be written by the scammers themselves.

      • Renting a postal address or working part-time sending parcels

        For a fee, scammers offer to accept parcels at your home address, which they then pick up themselves or ask to be sent to another address. For some time they can even pay for these services. When establishing a trusting relationship, scammers may ask to accept money into a bank account in order to transfer it to someone.

        As a result, the victim is criminally liable for sending stolen goods and laundering money from stolen bank cards.

        In addition, the "employee" during the shipment may be asked for details of bank cards and documents for purchasing goods on credit in the name and address of the "employee" in order to send the goods to the fraudster through him.

      • Work on cashing and selling plastic cards (carding)

        Fraudsters steal bank card data using special equipment, make duplicates of other people's cards and ask the victim to cash them out for interest.

        The victim who cashes the cards is the last link in the chain of theft and is criminally responsible for the crime.

      • Simple work from home

        Fraudsters offer unskilled, well-paid work from home. However, to start work, the victim is extorted money for materials for work or a guarantee of future work by the victim, and they promise to return this money upon the first salary.

        After receiving the money, the scammers disappear.

        Examples of home work in fraudulent schemes:
        • assembling pens, packaging, completing orders, gifts and so on;
        • typing text from photographs of documents (rewriting);
        • typing text from audio or video materials (transcription).

      • Checking into a hotel without further employment

        Fraudulent employment agencies bring employees into the country and put them up in a hotel (hostel), for which they take a deposit supposedly to pay for their stay.

        After checking in, the scammers disappear without paying for the stay.

      • Extortion of money for documents necessary for employment

        To get a job, you need to get some kind of real document or insurance, which the scammers promise to provide for a certain amount.

        After receiving the money, the scammers disappear.

    • Tricks of scammers – housing, rent

      Fraudsters extort an advance payment (deposit or security) before signing a contract or refuse to show housing or documents confirming ownership or rental rights.

      Before signing a lease agreement, we recommend that you make sure that this is really the owner of the apartment or his legal representative and that the apartment meets your requirements.

      • Extortion of a deposit for rent

        Fraudsters offer to rent out housing at a price below the market price, explaining that they care more about the safety of the property than about profit. At the same time, they immediately require a deposit as a guarantee of serious intentions. Under various pretexts, for example, the "owner" of the property lives abroad, is busy, and so on, scammers refuse to show the property.

        After receiving the money, the scammers disappear.

      • Renting housing that does not belong to scammers

        Fraudsters rent housing and, posing as owners, illegally rent out housing to several people at once.

        Sometimes scammers pose as representatives of the owner rather than the owners. The owner is allegedly out of the country, ill or too busy to do this personally, and they refuse to provide documents for the right to rent out the property.

        After receiving the money, the scammers disappear.

    • Other tricks of scammers

      • Extortion of advance payment for goods or services

        Fraudsters ask for advance payment for goods or services.

        Prepayment can take various forms:
        • deposit for booking goods or services;
        • security for the priority right to receive goods or services;
        • prepayment before sending the goods or before providing the service;
        • insurance for shipment of goods;
        • payment for paperwork, obtaining citizenship;
        • investments in joint business.

        After receiving the money, the scammers disappear.

      • Purchasing documents, passport or EU citizenship

        Fraudsters offer to get the necessary documents, passport or citizenship of an EU country for money.

        In one case, after receiving the money, the scammers disappear.

        In another case, the customer-victim is provided with fake documents, which, when verified, lead to criminal liability for the victim for their use.

        To obtain EU citizenship, scammers falsify documents about the victim’s origin or investment in the economy of the desired country. Later, with the help of bribes, officials are provided with a real, but illegally issued passport. If a criminal scheme is exposed, the victim will face criminal liability.

      • Offering financial services by private individuals, bypassing banks

        Fraudsters may offer loans or insurance on favorable terms, bypassing banks.

        A fraudulent broker may offer:
        • list of banks where you can apply for money;
        • require advance payment for your services without guarantees;
        • fill out a standard application form to the bank for money, deceiving that you have already agreed on everything;
        • demand money to bribe a bank employee;
        • falsify the necessary documents.

        As a result, the victim loses money or is liable for forgery of documents.

      • Fake dating

        Fraudsters use different approaches: men are offered advertisements using explicit photos, women are offered an advertisement of a successful man looking for a bride.

        In further correspondence:
        • extort money to pay for tickets, visas, medical assistance, for a personal meeting with the victim;
        • obtain personal data, photographs, videos of the victim and use them for blackmail;
        • offer to go to another site for communication, where they ask you to pay for the opportunity to communicate.

      • Pet fraud

        • Scammers ask for advance payment for the pet or any other payments – transportation, insurance, vet services, etc. Scammers disappear after receiving the money.
        • Fake breed documents are used to sell non-bred kittens or puppies that have not yet shown the signs of the breed.

        To attract attention, scammers use colorful pictures stolen from real websites and offer animals of expensive breeds at a below-market price. Fictitious reasons may vary: kennel sales, sale due to relocation of the owner or family reasons.

        When buying an animal carefully choose a breeder, study the references and available information about the kennel. Arrange a personal transfer of the puppy or kitten, meet the pet's parents, look at the conditions of the animals housing, read the documents, and draw up a contract of sale.

    • List of active contacts of blocked users

      Every month, we block about 200 accounts that are found to be engaging in illegal or fraudulent activity. Another 300 accounts are being scrutinized over the same period.

      We try to protect our users from fraud and other dangerous content and have created a list of active contacts blocked on our site.

      Of course, only a court can recognize a person as a fraudster, but we strongly recommend that you check any contacts you find on other sites, messengers and social networks using this list.

      If you encounter scammers, please send their contacts to us and we will add them to this list.

      If you think that any contact was included in this list by mistake, please contact the site administration.

      For convenience, use the search:

      +972538074141 +972537915143 +972559661223 +972552799542 +972501237261 +97231996919 +972575406801 +97229661223 +972589661223 +972524257758 +97228198085 +972589758115 +97235792938 +972553102984 +972528187618 +972528047917 +97285964440 +972557721714 +972519880445 +972778335052 +972508728045 +972579931506 +972767735420 +97229241545 +972768146641 +97247174590 +97225839099

  • Watch ads in messengers and social networks

    Our ads can be viewed not only on our website but also in Telegram and Facebook!
    List of our infogroups in messengers and social networks.

    • Let's be friends not divide territory!

      We invite owners of information resources, groups and channels on social networks, news sites and bloggers to friendship and cooperation!

      For the development of communities, we suggest establishing an exchange of information with your resources. Our resources for sharing:
      website IL4RU;
      Facebook groups;
      Telegram groups.

      Free information exchange options:
      • Post your community in our directory of useful country resources!
      • Place your community banner on our website IL4RU.
      • Exchange of advertising and user posts within one social network. For example, exchange between your and our Telegram groups.
      • Get new subscribers from other platforms! Cross-platform exchange of advertising and user posts in different social networks. For example, exchange between your Telegram group and our Facebook group or website.
      • We can offer our users to post on your resources for free.

      We can pay for our advertising and custom posts on your resource:
      • Sell your services to our users! We may offer our users to post on your resources for a fee.
      • We may be interested in paid advertising and custom posts on your resource!

      To make friends and start cooperation write to us by email or respond on Telegram or Facebook!

    • Not all groups are equally useful

      Not all groups on social networks and messengers work equally effectively!

      It is wrong to think that by placing your offer on a huge number of resources, you will receive maximum replies. In addition, this is a long process – you need to know the rules on all resources and spend a lot of time on posts and negotiations with the administration. At the same time, it is not at all clear from which resource the reply comes and on which resources you post without results – what works and what doesn't.

      What to consider when choosing advertising resources.
      Most importantly, the resource must be relevant to your offer – your target audience.
      Typically, to assess the effeciency of a resource, an indicator such as "reach" is used. Reach – the number of unique users who were shown an ad or post.
      However, Reach does not mean that the post was seen, read, understood and it is not at all clear how many people were interested in it and who responded to it. During the display the visitor may get distracted, scroll through the post or he simply was not interested in it but the view was conted in Reach.
      In addition, information about Reach of publications is in most cases only available to group administrators.
      Of course, you can focus on the number of subscribers in the group. But this is also not an indicator of the group's effeciency. People, having solved their problems, turn off notifications and stop following posts in groups.
      Moreover, it is not uncommon to cheat winding up the subscribers artificially to promote a resource! Of course, such "subscribers" will not bring you any benefit.
      You also need to take into account the nuances of each social network. On Facebook, followers typically see posts in their own feed, rather than directly in a group or channel. However, not all posts are included in the feed, which means your post will not be shown to all subscribers of the group.

      How to accurately assess the effeciency of a particular group?
      The effeciency of a group can only be judged by the reply you receive.
      To evaluate the reply, you need to analyze the results of posting in different groups. This is difficult, almost impossible to do:
      • You can post in each group for a week, but there are many nuances such as the cumulative effect – the longer you post the more replies from old posts you receive.
      • It's expensive to post posts with different contact information – you need to have many phone numbers or email addresses, and this is inconvenient.

      If you pay for posts, check the effeciency of the reply and do not trust Reach provided by the admins!

      We suggest posting ads on our website – our replies are counted accurately and offers are posted on many Facebook and Telegram groups:
      • Your ads will be posted on the website IL4RU as well as in our Facebook and Telegram groups.
      • Clear reply statistics are kept for each ad separately.

      For any questions, please contact the site administration.

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